Erika Buenfil is a major player in the telenovela Triunfo del Amor capitulo 150 which acts as Antonieta.
Antonieta characters in the telenovela Triunfo del Amor capitulo 150 is a mature woman, elegant and very well preserved. It is the right arm of Victoria who has known she was pregnant with Maria Desamparada. Worked together in the same sewing Humberto Padilla. She helped Victoria to have her daughter and take care until it happened the terrible accident caused by Bernarda, in which he lost his daughter Victoria.
Suffers when even her friend, considering that the girl was also his daughter. Victoria is confident and is the only one who knows Victoria's Secret who is faithful and is willing to do anything to see her happy in the telenovela Triunfo del Amor capitulo 150. It is the only person who has the right to face Victoria and make them see their mistakes. She is in love with Claudio, the manager of the fashion house of Victoria and suffers in silence, knowing that man is always in love with Victoria.
Don’t miss out in the telenovela Triunfo del Amor capitulo 150. And also do not miss out for his next story in the next capitulo!